Multifaceted writer working from first principles, written enough to learn; that context is everything, so it's best to keep it simple.
Clients: IT consultancies, tech startups, corporates, fashion labels, advertising agencies, and the EU.
Perfect Wellness
I code in English - it's interpreted, general-purpose, and expressive. Like LISP, English is extendable and allows for MACROs. Syntactic sugar depends on taste; breaking changes far and few between. The ecosystem surpasses all.
Design Tools —
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma, and pen.
Comms —
speaking with developers, product people, marketers, and senior leadership.
IT Tools —
used tools and frameworks docusaurus
, gatsby, .md syntax, Jira, git, .CSS, .JS, React, CommonLisp, microcontrollers, Python, HomeBrew, and DataDog.
Languages —
English native, Español B1.2, and Deutsch B2.1.
Product Design —
pumps, electrical motors, and logic gates.